Thursday, July 3, 2014

Give me 5…months of teacher vacation!

Ironically, one of my first few entries to this teaching blog is how to “escape” the teaching life.  Without a doubt, teaching is wonderful, but who doesn’t love sleeping past 5:30am, sitting down and enjoying their lunch, and did I mention t-shirts any day you please? Yes, it is the great summer days. I’ve heard many people say that teachers sometimes have two personalities: summer mode and school mode. I think I would agree with that argument and with the summer in full swing, I want to share a few of my “go-tos” to indulge in this summer lifestyle. In my classroom, I usually get my kids’ attention by saying, "give me five." Well, now I have your attention and I have a feeling this “give me five” theme will carry throughout my blog.  So whether you’re in your pjs, or lounging outside, here are my top five-summer teacher recharge tips.

1.     Clean your home
a.     Despite the fact I am a little type-A and I prefer my classroom to be organized, labeled, and everything in its place, I found that my home begin to not reflect the same caliber of “Container Store” organization. Shirts and pants were mixed and hung in the same section, a “take care of” pile began to grow on my kitchen table, and my dryer became a more aggressive sock eater causing me to sing, “All the single socks, all the single socks…” : ) Maybe it’s just me, but who doesn’t love a freshly clean and organized living space? So take a day or even few to clean out closets, pantries, garages, bathrooms, dressers, etc. Don’t worry about the teacher stuff/files….yet. This day of cleaning is just for you! So put on your comfy clothes, grab a big trash bag and your label maker, and crank up the tunes. Enjoy the organizing!

2.     Go out to lunch
a.     Key word, GO OUT! Because you can! Hey, guess what, during these summer days, you do not have to eat at the speed of firefighters responding to a 911 call. No, you can in fact, enjoy your lunch. Chew every bit 20 times. I challenge you! Most importantly, go out to lunch with friends and family. Write down all your favorite places to eat and pick one out of a jar each time you go out. Enjoy the time of not having to pack a lunch everyday. Bon Appetite!  

3.     Cooking/meal prep
a.     What teacher did not find themselves on occasion (or multiple occasions) running short for time to make a lunch the night before? Or even more often, coming home late exhausted and the thought of picking up a pot or pan just seemed too draining.  This year, I am attempting to be proactive on this situation. My goal is to prep many fresh and homemade single sized meals and freeze them. Whether you have vacuum seal bags or make crockpot freezer bags, you are all set. This way, during the year, all I have to do is set it in the crockpot before I leave for school or I can come home and just pop that little guy in the microwave. After all, I think I can use the microwave pretty well during the year, it’s works just like a copy machine, right? :)

4.     Be active!
a.     Soak up the sun during these vacation days! Go for walks, ride a bike, play some sports, and just get outside. I bet if we were to take a survey on teacher’s vitamin d levels, on average, it would be pretty low. Too many times we… (ok, I know at least I did J ) get caught at school with that “just one more thing” mentality and I found myself arriving and leaving school when it was dark out.  So I am definitely liking these summer days and soaking up that fresh air and sunshine.  So forget the notion that “watch tans” are out of style. Bring on the watch tan; I’ll let the sun brand me with some outdoor goodness.

5.     Explore
a.     Take advantage of these unscheduled days and go explore! Whether that means exploring in your own town or even going on vacation.  Check out museums or take a class (crafts, workout, cooking, dance, etc.) You could even go out to explore nearby state parks and lookie there, the teacher in you integrated both exploring an being active… gold star for you! Most importantly, do things that you enjoy, but aren’t able to do during the school year due time, distance, or just other commitments that take priority in your life. So consider the days you taught this year as marbles you earned…it’s time for you to cash in for your marble jar party. Have some fun this summer!

What are your favorite “recharge” tips for the summer? Comment below!  Thanks for reading.

Until next time,

- The Elementary Zookeeper

Monday, June 30, 2014

Teacher life, zoo's quite similar you see!

Welcome to the Zoo life!  

Where does a blog even begin?  We are about mid mark of the summer and despite my greatest efforts to put a pause on my “teacher brain” about school, I have utterly failed and instead, decided to take on a “new project.”  I may be drinking the “summer Kool-Aid bliss,” but I enjoying writing so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity.   So why is this blog called Elementary Zookeeper?  Well, have you walked into an elementary school before? It is one of the most orchestrated, controlled chaos zones.  Ever thought about how a “Children’s crossing” sign is similar to any other animal crossing sign on the road? Just a thought : ) Elementary schools are full of fun, learning, excitement, and energy. Despite teachers and students following schedules coordinated to a fine science there is nonetheless those wonderful “teacher moments” or spontaneous and unpredictable forms of elementary pandemonium. Not every day are students calm, sitting swans, yes, oh yes, there are those days when students may act like wild monkeys at feeding time, but as a zookeeper, I mean a teacher, I love each day. So what is this blog about? From classroom tips, and suggestions, to tricks for surviving the everyday teacher life….it’s really a zoo of thoughts you see.  I invite you to join me as I share stories, strategies, lessons, and links from my zoo life to yours.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

All About Me!

I’m Rachel and still a rookie in the teaching field, but I absolutely love the profession and enjoy exploring new ideas for my students and my teaching.  I’m an avid TCU (Texas Christian University) fan as it is where I was blessed to receive both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.    Most importantly about me, I am a Christian passionately pursuing my relationship with Christ. In the off chance I am not thinking about school, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, watching and playing sports, attempting to learn the guitar, cooking, crafting, and writing. It’s 2014 and blogs have been around approximately since the 90’s, so I thought I would go ahead and hop in the blog game. Ready or not, here we go!